Hina Khan Chops Off Her Long Locks; Know Why Chemotherapy Causes Hair Loss
First Published Jul 5, 2024, 3:22 PM IST
Recently, actress Hina Khan shared the news that she has been diagnosed with third-stage breast cancer. She also posted new pictures of her sporting a short haircut. Fans are sending their prayers for her speedy recovery.
Why does hair fall during cancer treatment?
During cancer treatment, patients often undergo chemotherapy. This medication works by destroying cancer cells in the body. However, a side effect of chemotherapy is that it also attacks healthy cells, including hair cells, leading to hair loss.
Hair loss during cancer treatment, particularly chemotherapy, varies depending on the type of treatment and cancer. While not all types of chemotherapy cause hair loss, it is common in treatments for certain cancers such as breast cancer.

After chemotherapy ends, hair typically begins to grow back naturally. It's important to consult your doctor for specific information regarding hair loss during treatment, as it is usually temporary.

Hair loss can also occur as a result of radiation therapy during cancer treatment. Cancer patients undergoing radiation in the neck or head area often experience hair loss as a side effect. However, this hair loss is temporary.