UN decides marijuana as ‘less dangerous’ drug; India too had voted for this; move to help in medicinal use
First Published Dec 5, 2020, 10:32 AM IST
Marijuana classified as 'less dangerous' drug will help in medicinal use
In a historic decision, the Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) has removed marijuana and its derivatives from Schedule IV of the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs.
The Schedule IV features the names of highly addictive opioids such as heroin and marijuana was placed in the same list for close to 6 decades

With the categorisation of marijuana as a less dangerous drug, it is believed that the medicinal and therapeutic potential of the drug can now be recognised

The landmark decision will also pave the path for legalisation of marijuana for medicinal use in different countries

It can also make governments reconsider the recreational benefits of the drugs. It must be mentioned that medicinal cannabis programmes are allowed in over 50 countries, while other countries such as Uruguay, Canada, Mexico, Luxembourg have permitted its recreational use