Bael Sharbat, derived from the pulp of the bael fruit, is a quintessential summer cooler in India known for its refreshing taste and health benefits. Here’s a simple recipe to make this rejuvenating drink at home:

- Bael (wood apple) fruit: 1 ripe
- Water: 2 cups
- Sugar or jaggery: 2-3 tablespoons 
- Black salt or rock salt: a pinch
- Ice cubes: for serving 
- Fresh mint leaves: for garnish 


1. Prepare the Bael Pulp:
   - Thoroughly wash the bael fruit under running water.
   - Crack open the fruit using a knife or a hammer. Remove the pulp and seeds inside.
   - Scrape the pulp with a spoon and place it in a bowl.

2. Make the Bael Sharbat:
   - In a blender or mixer, add the bael pulp along with water.
   - Mix it thoroughly until a smooth consistency is achieved.

3. Sweeten and Season:
   - Pour the blended bael mixture through a fine sieve or strainer into a bowl to remove any remaining seeds or fibers.
   - Add sugar or jaggery to the strained bael juice according to your sweetness preference.
   - Mix well until the sweetener dissolves completely.
   - Add a pinch of black salt or rock salt to enhance the flavor.

4. Chill and Serve:
   - Refrigerate the bael sharbat for at least 1-2 hours to chill.
   - Before serving, stir the sharbat well.
   - Pour it into glasses filled with ice cubes for a refreshing chill.

5. Garnish and Enjoy:
   - Garnish each glass with fresh mint leaves for a delightful aroma and added freshness.
   - Serve immediately and enjoy the cooling benefits of this homemade bael sharbat.

Health Benefits:
- Bael fruit is rich in nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, and antioxidants.
- It aids in digestion and helps relieve digestive disorders such as constipation.
- The drink is known for its cooling properties, making it ideal for combating heat-related issues during summer.