European Union says no to renegotiating Brexit agreement

By Team MyNation  |  First Published Dec 14, 2018, 3:12 PM IST

It’s a deal or no-deal situation as the European Union says no to renegotiating the Brexit withdrawal agreement. Britain faces a no-deal Brexit. Negotiations of trade deal with the existence of an Irish backstop possible marks, European Council.

European Union says no to renegotiating Brexit agreement

The European leaders have said that the Brexit deal is not open for renegotiation. Despite British Prime Minister Theresa May’s efforts to follow through on the assurances given to the 37% of the MPs who voted against her.

The British Prime Minister said that the deal was at risk if the MPs concerns were not addressed.

However, European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said there could be clarifications but no renegotiation.

As reported by the BBC, regarding her plea to the EU, some diplomats described her performance as “bad” and “vague.”

Theresa May was looking at legal assurance on the Irish backstop which is an aim to keep an open border on Ireland.

Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker also urged the UK to set out more clearly on what it wants, adding that the commission will publish information on December 19 on its preparations for a no-deal Brexit.

A no-deal Brexit which makes Britain crash out of the EU with immediate effect in March 2019 would lead to a lot of chaos.

However, in comments released by Downing Street on Thursday, PM May told EU leaders that she firmly believed the deal could get through the House of Commons vote. The British Prime Minister said, "There is a majority in my Parliament who want to leave with a deal so with the right assurances this deal can be passed. Indeed, it is the only deal capable of getting through my Parliament,"

European Council President Donald Tusk however said that the withdrawal agreement was not open for renegotiation.

In a speech, post the Brussels summit, Mr Tusk called the backstop "an insurance policy," stating that the EU is determined to work speedily on alternative arrangements.

Mr Tusk said the backstop would "apply temporarily unless and until it is superseded by a subsequent agreement that ensures that the hard border is avoided."

The European Council’s conclusion on Brexit which was published on Thursday evening states that the EU would a negotiate and expeditiously conclude a subsequent agreement that would replace the backstop, and that the backstop would only be present for as long as necessary.  The EU would still negotiate a trade deal with the UK with the existence of the Irish backstop.

However, at this point with a no renegotiation on the deal, the Prime Minister could be staring at a no-deal Brexit.

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