Lifestyle News

Why Hockey isn't the National Game of India: A surprising truth

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India's national game

Contrary to popular belief, hockey is not officially recognized as India's national game. Let’s read more facts about it.

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No National Sport

India does not have an officially declared national game or sport.

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Historical Confusion

Due its historical significance, hockey has long been mistakenly considered the national game. 

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National Game

We all grew up reading that Hockey is the national game of India. But that's not quite true. 

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Equal Recognition

The Indian government acknowledges all sports equally and does not officially promote one sport over another.

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RTI Query

In 2020, Mayuresh Agrawal from Maharashtra filed an RTI request to learn when hockey was declared the national game, revealing that no sport has been officially designated as such.

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Government's Stance

The Union Ministry of Youth clarified that the government’s goal is to support and promote all popular sports, not to designate a single national game.

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