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Can you eat real gold? Know about edible gold and how safe it is

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Edible gold

Edible gold is made from 22-24 karat gold and is used in various culinary dishes. It is safe to eat in small quantities and is commonly used in luxury foods and desserts.

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Edible gold

Edible gold comes in different forms, including gold leaf (thin sheets) and gold flakes (tiny pieces). Both are used to add a touch of elegance and luxury to dishes and beverages.

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Nutritional value

Edible gold has no nutritional value and does not provide any vitamins, minerals, or calories. Its primary purpose is for decoration and to enhance the visual appeal of food.

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Gold is often used to adorn high-end desserts, chocolates, pastries, and even beverages like champagne and cocktails. It adds a shimmering effect that makes the dish stand out.

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Edible gold has been used in various cultures, including in traditional Indian and Chinese cuisines. It has been associated with wealth, prosperity, and ceremonial occasions.

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Edible gold is expensive due to the cost of gold itself and the labour-intensive process of making it suitable for consumption. 

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Is it safe?

Edible gold is considered safe to consume as it is non-toxic and passes through the digestive system without being absorbed. 

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Edible gold

However, it’s important to ensure that the gold used is specifically labelled as edible to avoid contamination with non-edible gold used in other industries.

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