Outrage Erupts Over Mango Biryani: A Bizarre Food Trend Takes Social Media by Storm [WATCH]

By Nancy TiwariFirst Published Jun 9, 2024, 10:34 AM IST

Discover the online uproar over Mango Biryani, a bizarre culinary trend sparking debate and outrage among food enthusiasts on social media.

The internet is witnessing a peculiar trend of concocting unconventional food recipes by mixing bizarre ingredients, leaving many feeling repulsed. One recent example that has sparked heated debate is Mango Biryani.

A video shared by an Instagram user caused uproar among biryani lovers. The clip features a woman introducing "Mango Biryani" as a summer tropical party dish, showcasing a large pot filled with the unconventional biryani, adorned with sliced mangoes. The accompanying caption dubbed it as a "Mango biryani tropical summer party theme."

Since its posting, the video has garnered significant attention on social media platforms. However, instead of admiration, it has triggered disbelief and anger among food enthusiasts. Commenters expressed outrage, with one asking if the creator was "out of her mind" and another pleading, "Please don’t do this to biryani." The sentiment was echoed by many, with calls to "LEAVE BIRYANI ALONE."

Amidst the backlash, the comment section also witnessed humorous reactions, with individuals poking fun at the bizarre dish. One commenter remarked on the woman's ability to make them laugh, while another humorously referred to the situation as "Uorfi Javed in Food edition."

This isn't the first time the creator, Heena, has stirred controversy with her culinary experiments. Previously, she garnered attention for her Barbie-themed pink biryani, prepared using pink masala and rice.

The internet's reaction to Mango Biryani underscores people's strong attachment to traditional dishes like biryani. While culinary innovation is often celebrated, some experiments, like Mango Biryani, cross the line for many, igniting passionate responses and sparking debates about culinary authenticity and respect for traditional recipes.

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