Disturbing Incident: Child dies under heavy iron gate collapse

By Nancy TiwariFirst Published Aug 2, 2024, 4:30 PM IST

A tragic incident in Pune saw a three-year-old girl killed when a heavy iron gate fell on her. The accident, captured on CCTV, has sparked outrage.

A heartbreaking incident occurred in Ganesh Nagar, near Pune, on Wednesday, July 31, when a heavy iron gate fell and caused the death of a three-and-a-half-year-old girl, Girija Ganesh Shinde. The tragic accident, captured by a nearby CCTV camera, has since spread widely on social media, evoking widespread outrage and concern.

The video shows a group of children playing near the gate. As Girija walked by with another girl, the gate unexpectedly collapsed. The children scattered in panic, but Girija was unable to escape and was trapped underneath the falling gate. Despite the quick response from neighbors and her parents, who rushed to the scene, they found her lying in a pool of blood. Girija suffered severe injuries and died on the spot, as confirmed by Deputy Commissioner of Police (DCP) Shivaji Pawar. 

DCP Pawar stated, “The gate fell on the deceased when another child tried to pull it. We have registered an Accidental Death Report and will investigate the case.” He added that Girija’s parents are deeply shocked by the incident.

The disturbing footage has generated significant backlash online, with many people calling for accountability. Comments have criticized the contractor responsible for installing the gate, with some users demanding legal action. One comment read, “The contractor who fitted that gate should be questioned and jailed,” while another expressed sorrow, saying, “This is so saddening and the poor child had to bear the consequences of someone’s mistake.” 

This incident highlights ongoing safety concerns related to such gates. In December 2023, a similar tragedy occurred in Muradnagar, Ghaziabad, where a six-year-old boy died after an iron gate fell on him. These recurring accidents underscore the urgent need for stricter safety measures to prevent such heart-wrenching incidents in the future.

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