After checking all the documents, and one-day stint at two outlets, the officials are said to have asked the owner to pay Rs 60 lakh tax to the IT department, imagine what his earnings would be.
Ludhiana: Panna Sigh Pakorewala has two main outlets in Punjab and branches all over the country. But he was not one of those who was paying his taxes diligently. Acting on a tip off, IT officials conducted survey of the outlets and were shocked to see how much this pakorewala was making.
After checking all the documents, the officials are said to have asked Panna Singh to pay Rs 60 lakh tax to the IT department, imagine what his earnings would be.
The officials could not believe what they were tipped on, so apart from checking the financial documents, they also deployed one personnel each at two of Panna Singh's outlets - one at Gill Road, and another at Model Town to check what the sales on daily basis are.
Here is how they found out that he was evading tax and was not showing the actual earnings on the paper.
The report was not made public by the IT Department but Times Of India carried a piece on the same after speaking to one of the owners of the Pakora shops and confirmed the news.
It is said that Panna Singh's Pakora shop is famous especially for its two recipes -Paneer Pakoda and Dahi Bhalla.
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