Is Shashi Tharoor's monozygotic, geminate sibling fighting elections in Cameroon? Twitter thinks so

We could have said his identical twin who speaks like him but why not add to the 'farrago'?

New Delhi: Politician Shashi Tharoor's love for long, deliciously confusing words is well known. And, he carries his reputation as Twitter's English teacher with pride, and if we may say so ourselves, is quite rodomontade about it. 

However, netizens seem to have chanced upon a West African presidential candidate from Cameroon, who is eerily like the Indian politician. Tharoor's Cameroonian twin shares his love for wordplay and begins his speech with, "It's appalling. The reason I have been in a compendious laconic lacuna, not a recapitulation. Cameroonians have been bamboozled, razzle-dazzle, razzmatazz politically. " 

Sounds familiar? Watch it for yourself:


Never imagined that there could be a competitor for . ji

— D Roopa IPS (@D_Roopa_IPS)

Meanwhile, netizens cannot get enough of the Cameroonian Tharoor and some have already started pitting the two against each other. While others are losing hope looking at the sheer level of competition, as one user wrote: "I was preparing for IELTS - I lost all my confidence now." There have also been insinuations that the two are siblings separated at the Kumbh Mela. 


The resemblance in features is also very high. Gives impression of being twins. Perhaps separated in Kumbh Mela?

— Ashtavakra अष्टावक्र (@adiga1008)

— अ से अश्विन (@AshwinVerman)

Great find ma'am 🙌

This is probably God's way of reminding us to stay humble as anybody and everybody can be replaced .

— Re1=$1 (@BKabi5)

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