What is the right way to get Vitamin D from the sun

By Ishwi SinghFirst Published Jul 15, 2024, 10:19 AM IST

It is crucial to spend some time in the sun to obtain Vitamin D. However, prolonged and inadequate exposure can have adverse effects on the body. Let’s learn what the correct way to get vitamin D from sun is.

Millions of people in India experience Vitamin D deficiency. For improved health, it is crucial to spend some time in the sun to obtain Vitamin D. However, prolonged and inadequate exposure can have adverse effects on the body. Let’s learn what the correct way to get vitamin D from sun is. 

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Vitamin D from the sun

To benefit from sunlight for Vitamin D, the skin must be directly exposed to it. Vitamin D is produced when sunlight interacts with cholesterol in the skin. It's best to expose areas like the neck, back, hands, and feet to sunlight for about 15 to 20 minutes. Wearing shorts and a tank top while sitting in the sun can help maximize Vitamin D absorption.

Also read: 5 foods you should eat if you have vitamin D deficiency

The best time

Avoid prolonged exposure to intense sunlight during the day. Research shows that excessive sunlight exposure can increase the risk of skin cancer. It's advisable to spend time in the sun before 10 AM in summer and during daylight hours in winter to maximize Vitamin D absorption. 

Vitamin D absorption

People with darker skin tones are more susceptible to vitamin D deficiency. The melanin pigment in darker skin provides greater protection against UV rays, requiring longer sun exposure to produce Vitamin D. Therefore, people with darker complexions may need to spend more time in the sun to get sufficient Vitamin D.

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