International Day of Happiness 2024: 5 life-changing habits for a happier version of you

By Ishwi SinghFirst Published Mar 20, 2024, 12:59 PM IST

International Day of Happiness falls on March 20th every year. The day aims to emphasize the importance of happiness in our lives. In this article, let’s learn about some positive habits that you can adopt to bring a change in your life.

In this age of AI, real life connections have significantly diminished. Amidst our stressful work and study schedules, we strive to work towards happiness. After all what is life if not a constant effort to achieve happiness and peace. Research conducted by Harvard reveal that happiness depends on various factors including genetics, social environment, and our habits. While we may not have control over most events happening in our lives, we can still adopt some positive habits to foster happiness. Let’s learn about some positive ways to change our lives.

Change the routine

Repetitive daily tasks can lead to feelings of fatigue. To cultivate happiness, you must bring some changes in your daily routine. For instance, if you depend on a family member to prepare your breakfast, then change the routine by getting up early and making your own breakfast meals. Experiment with new dishes by utilizing healthy veggies and fruits. Instead of sticking to the same route to the office each day, opt for a little adventure and choose different paths to reach your office. During your free time, refrain from using your phone. Take the opportunity to appreciate the greenery around you. These simple yet meaningful changes in your lifestyle will give you a positive outlook on life. 

Books can change lives

Libraries and bookshops used to be everyone’s favourite hangout places. However, with the changing times, the number of readers has significantly decreased. People don’t enjoy reading books as much as they used to. Books offer a unique escape to a world of tranquillity. If you are someone who watches movies for compelling storytelling, then try picking up a book and see how it’s immersive nature will draw you inside a new realm. It is a great past time that can help you unwind and rejuvenate. 

Music therapy

If you live alone, then music can prove to be a great therapy to overcome the feelings of homesickness. Listening to music daily is a powerful tool that will foster happiness. Things get chaotic out there in the world, so when you get home, hit play on your music system and immerse yourself in the sweetness of melodies. It will uplift your spirits and bring joy in your life. For an enhanced experience, you can also consider buying a gramophone with some old vinyl records. These are not readily available nowadays but if you manage to get your hands on one, then the experience of listening to music will become richer.

Give yourself some ‘me’ time

It has become very common to see people completely consumed by their work. Extended periods of work can lead to burnout and depression. If you do the same, then it’s crucial to break this cycle. Prioritize taking time for yourself and indulge in activities that bring you joy. If you liked playing football in college days, then take out those footballs from your closet again and head to the playgrounds. If art made you happy in the past, then take up that hobby again to rejuvenate your mind and spirit. Giving yourself some ‘me’ time is extremely important in leading a life full of happiness. 

Follow your passion

You become what you focus on. Try not to follow the herd mentality and focus on what you wish to do with your life. Liberate yourself from the constraints of societal expectations. Pursue your passions and live life on your own terms. You can start this by making small changes. If you think you are too old to start a new hobby, then make a point of deliberately choosing to go ahead with it. Don’t let the fear of judgement sway you from following the path that your heart wants to follow.

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