Check weekly horoscope predictions from August 19 to August 25; Know what stars have planned for you

By Roshni TamtaFirst Published Aug 19, 2024, 6:27 AM IST

Here are the weekly predictions from August 19 to August 25. 


Ganesha says this week the material happiness of Aries will increase. Also, your accurate assessment this week will bring you success. You will benefit from more diligence and understanding. Your health will have ups and downs this week. Your learning curve will increase your intellectual capacity. Discretion will increase. Someone's advice will pay off this week. There will be pain in the legs and muscles.


Ganesha says Taurus people will pave the way for fulfilling some wishes this week. New possibilities for profit will appear in the trade. The house will have a good atmosphere. There may be pain in one side of the head. Charity will arouse more interest in religion. The strange behavior of the brother can make the mind sad. There seems to be a lack of interest in economic yoga and spirituality. Work done in a hurry can cause damage. Any behavior of the child will cause pain.


Ganesha says this week the inner qualities of Gemini people will expand and relationships with important people will be strengthened. At the same time, yoga is suddenly becoming a source of wealth. Creativity will flourish. You will be able to do wonders with your talent and talent. The direction of your thoughts will give you a new level. You will benefit from the elder's experience. Unnecessary arguments will hurt any member of the family. Wasting time in laziness will make the mind restless.


Ganesha says this week seems to be a flexible time in career for people with Cancer. The expansion of the business will bring joy and increase in reputation. Any old forgotten investment will come in handy. Intelligence will develop but at the same time, mental confusion may also increase. The financial situation will be good. There are signs of an increase in the influence of people doing the job. Success will come after a few setbacks in the workplace. Success can be found in important tasks.


Ganesha says Leo people will see far-reaching equations of many benefits in business this week. The opportunity to benefit from the elder will be received and love will grow. An old complex matter will be solved. The influence of employed people is a sign of growth. Careers will be appreciated and hard work will grow. Be careful that whatever you say can be presented in a twisted way.


Ganesha says Virgos will find success this week by believing in themselves. Internal qualities will be appreciated. Foreign contacts will be beneficial. The sensitivity towards education will also increase. All happiness will fade due to the worry of children. Unnecessarily small problems will seem to become monstrous. By someone, far-reaching and abundant benefits will be outlined. Your confidence will be maintained in adverse situations.


Ganesha says this week will be ups and downs at times for Libra natives; overall this week will give mixed results for you. Your respect will increase this week. Subordinate employees and colleagues will get full support. At the beginning of the week, the attitude of charity will increase. You can also plan an auspicious work this week. Your mind may be worried due to some negative news. This week you will have the happiness of offspring. Leg and back pain is possible.


Ganesha says this week will be successful for Scorpio people. Also, speech and intelligence will develop this week. New ways of income will happen for you this week. During this time the search for a big opportunity will be completed. At the beginning of the week, some things will be done without thinking and some will continue to be done consciously, leading to either the achievement of a goal or a unique gift of experience.


Ganesha says an old relationship will be a source of joy for Sagittarius this week. High-level relationships will pave the way for far-reaching benefits. You shouldn't react immediately and avoid showing unnecessary bravado. Any old investments made by you this week can benefit you. Experienced people will be contacted. Health may be weak.


Ganesha says Capricorns will have more expenses this week, but it will not matter because of good income. Fearlessness and thoughtfulness will increase. New hopes will bring joy. Enjoy real estate. Interest in charity, service, and charity will increase. New contacts will be beneficial. There may be pain in the waist or back. Spousal support will remove all differences. They will be in good health.


Ganesha says the old wishes of the Aquarius people will be fulfilled this week. Along with this many important works will also be completed. Financial benefits are possible. Be careful in dealing with people. Intimacy with elders will grow. There will be many opportunities to shine the business, but your negligence will keep the work going. Speaking the truth will do a lot. It is necessary to control the volatility of the mind. 


Ganesha says the beauty of Pisces will increase this week. Adverse situations will be overcome. Opponents will beat themselves at their own game. Some of your complicated work will be solved this week. Efforts made at the beginning of the week will be fruitful. Only the right path will lead to victory. New ideas would be appreciated. Religious interest will increase.

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