8 lifestyle changes you must adopt to improve your insulin sensitivity

By Ishwi SinghFirst Published Apr 21, 2024, 2:40 PM IST

To reduce the risk of developing diabetes in the future, it's important to consume fibre-rich and nutrient-dense foods while maintaining a regular exercise routine. Your balanced diet should include protein, magnesium and other essential nutrients.

Poor lifestyle choices and obesity can contribute to the risk of developing diabetes among the young population. By adopting healthier daily habits, you can improve insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk of catching diseases. Let’s learn about some positive changes that you can adopt in your lifestyle. 

Dry fruits

Consuming soaked almonds and walnuts daily can improve insulin sensitivity. When cells fail to respond adequately to insulin, it leads to high blood sugar levels. Insulin sensitivity refers to the body's ability to respond effectively to the insulin hormone. Including almonds and walnuts into your diet can help regulate blood sugar levels.


Regular intake of protein is essential for overall health. Food choices like gram flour cheela, beans, and eggs provide a good source of protein that can help stabilize blood sugar throughout the day. You should never skip consuming protein-rich food.


Magnesium-rich foods can also help you achieve great health. Foods such as bananas, almonds, and green leafy vegetables are excellent sources of magnesium and can aid in improving insulin sensitivity. Including these foods in your daily diet can contribute to better blood sugar regulation and overall health.

Green tea

Drinking green tea with a dash of cinnamon can help regulate blood sugar levels. Green tea contains compounds that can reduce blood sugar spikes after meals. Cinnamon increases the health benefits of tea. It can help you manage blood sugar levels effectively. 


Taking a 15-minute walk after meals can help regulate blood sugar levels. If you go to sleep immediately after meals, then you must change that habit as it may be contributing to increased blood sugar levels. Engaging in a short walk after meals can help in better digestion, preventing rapid increases in blood sugar levels.

Avoiding overeating

To promote better insulin sensitivity and overall health, it's recommended to keep about 20% of your stomach empty, allowing for better digestion and regulation of blood sugar levels.


To reduce the risk of developing diabetes in the future, it's important to consume fibre-rich and nutrient-dense foods while maintaining a regular exercise routine. By incorporating these healthy habits into your lifestyle, you can significantly lower the risk of diabetes and promote overall health and well-being.

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