5 Essential Car Care Tips for Monsoon

By Ishwi SinghFirst Published Jul 5, 2024, 1:06 PM IST

Rain can cause significant damage to your car during monsoon, which makes it crucial to maintain your car’s condition to ensure smooth and safe car journeys.

The season of monsoon is here and it’s crucial to maintain your car’s condition to ensure smooth and safe car journeys. Vehicles frequently encounter breakdowns in rainy weather due to wet roads, mud, and traffic congestion. To avoid issues with your car on rainy days, follow these essential tips.

Checking brakes

During the rainy season, roads become wet and slippery. It's important to have a reliable braking system during rainy days. Therefore, it's necessary to have the brake components checked regularly. If the brake pads look old, replace them promptly.


Repairing headlights and taillights is crucial before the rainy season. It ensures good visibility and reduces the risk of accidents caused by poor visibility. Moreover, also give wiper blades a check to make sure they are working properly. 


To prevent rusting during the rainy season, consider applying anti-rust coating. Using hinge relief wax on your vehicle can also provide further protection against rust due to rain.

Proper cleaning

Mud can also damage car parts if not cleaned promptly. It's essential to regularly clean the exterior of your vehicle during rainy weather. Using a microfiber cloth is effective for removing dirt, while cleaning the windshield can be done using car shampoo.

Using car perfumes

During the rainy season, the interior of your car can develop a musty smell due to moisture. To prevent this, you can use car perfume inside.

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