Meet Ashish Ranjan, a Bihar engineer who transformed his career into bakery success

By Ishwi SinghFirst Published Sep 22, 2024, 9:39 AM IST

Ashish Ranjan, an engineer from Patna, embarked on an unconventional journey, leaving his job to start 'Online Cake Bhejo.' His venture, specializing in customized cakes and millet-based bakery items, has achieved remarkable success, reaching a turnover of crores. 

Success isn't determined by the scale of the task but by the approach you take. When you think outside the box, you can achieve both financial rewards and recognition. This is exactly what Ashish Ranjan from Patna experienced. After completing his education, he was working a stable job until his mother's health issues prompted him to return home. There, he launched a business called 'Online Cake Bhejo,' but with a unique twist. Today, he has turned this venture into a remarkable success, boasting an annual turnover of Rs 1.5 crore by creating cakes and bakery items made from millets (coarse grains).


While pursuing his engineering degree in 2012, Ashish began his career at an MNC. However, he still had some pending academic papers. In 2014, while he was in Delhi, he received distressing news from home: his mother had suffered a brain hemorrhage. Upon hearing this, he returned home, but despite medical efforts, he tragically lost her. After her passing, Ashish chose not to return to Patna; instead, he wanted to establish himself in his hometown. The pressing question now was: what should he do next?

Launching a startup

In 2017, Ashish attended a birthday party at a friend's house, where the family requested a customized cake. He searched various markets but found no shops that offered such cakes. This experience sparked an idea for Ashish: he decided to start his own cake business. In 2018, he borrowed Rs 20,000 from his father and teamed up with his friend Buddhisen Bittu to launch 'Online Cake Bhejo.' They began creating customized cakes tailored to individual requests, marking the beginning of their entrepreneurial journey.

Millet cookies

Ashish's customized cake business was underway, but he felt unsatisfied due to limited profits. The situation became even more challenging when he lost his father in 2019, which left him feeling devastated.

However, during discussions about millets (coarse grains) in 2019-20, he found inspiration to pivot his business model. He decided to explore cookie making and enrolled in a course at an agricultural university in Bhagalpur to hone his skills. By 2021, he was ready to launch his new venture focused on millet-based cookies.

Employing more than 50 people

Now, Ashish's startup has flourished, providing employment to over 50 people. In the year 2023-24, he achieved an impressive turnover of Rs 1.5 crore. His company specializes in making cakes, breads, buns, pastries, and cookies using millet, jowar, and ragi. Currently, he operates three outlets in Uttar Pradesh and six in Bihar, marking a significant expansion of his business.

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