From darkness to spotlight: Inspiring leap from vision loss to YouTube cooking star

By Roshni TamtaFirst Published Oct 11, 2024, 12:58 PM IST

She had to find materials and equipment in the kitchen only by touch. As Bhumika worked to refine her recipes, she suffered burns and experienced frustration and failures; however, she did not let this stop her from achieving her goals, and now she currently has over 80,000 subscribers on YouTube. 

Bhumika's life changed dramatically when she was diagnosed with a rare eye illness that deprived her of her vision at the age of 35. She struggled to navigate a world without sight. Her blindness was caused by visual neuritis, a disorder that affects only one out of every five lakh people.

She fell into a deep pit of hopelessness and melancholy after experiencing the initial shock of losing her vision. Even simple skills like walking, reading, and writing became enormous hurdles because she had to learn everything over again.

She did, however, find her passion in cooking. Bhumika's love had always been cooking; it was her creative outlet through which she could express herself and make other people happy with her culinary masterpieces. Her dishes are particularly well-liked by single people and people with hectic schedules because of her distinctive cooking approach, which emphasizes creating meals with little ingredients. 

Yet because of her impairment, the kitchen turned into a dangerous battleground where every tool and component can be dangerous for her. She was advised to avoid the kitchen by others in her immediate vicinity who were worried about her safety.


Bhumika was inspired to learn new adapting techniques from other visually impaired people who have successfully negotiated the culinary world. Her husband was also extremely supportive of her dreams and has been filming and editing her videos, making sure her passion reaches a vast audience. 

She had to find materials and equipment in the kitchen only by touch. As Bhumika worked to refine her recipes, she suffered burns and experienced frustration and failures; however, she did not let this stop her from achieving her goals, and now she currently has over 80,000 subscribers on YouTube. 

Her recipes are not just creative and mouthwatering; they are also a testament to Bhumika's hard work and determination and inspire thousands of people struggling with their issues. 

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