Ritvika Pandey from Jharkhand achieved All India Rank 1 in the UPSC IFS exam, setting a new example of success. Learn about her inspiring story, strategy, and struggles.
UPSC Inspirational Story: Here's an inspiring story of a girl from Jharkhand who secured All India Rank 1 in the Indian Forest Service (IFoS) exam. The UPSC exam is considered one of the toughest exams in India, but Ritvika Pandey overcame this challenge with her strategy, dedication, and passion.
Journey from Jharkhand to UPSC IFS
Ritvika Pandey, a resident of Ranchi, was born into an ordinary family. Her father was an officer in the Ministry of Agriculture, and her mother was a homemaker. The discipline she learned from her family helped her in preparing for the UPSC. She had previously appeared for the IES (Indian Engineering Services) exam, which gave her a good understanding of the civil service exam pattern.
Ritvika Pandey's Success Strategy
Ritvika made some changes to her strategy for UPSC exam. She:
Ritvika Pandey's Journey from Engineering to Indian Forest Service
Although her early career was in engineering, her heart was drawn to nature. Her love for wildlife and the environment inspired her to take the Indian Forest Service (IFoS) exam. She says, "I always liked being close to nature. I wanted to do something for the environment, and IFoS was the way to do it."
Whose support did Ritvika take to avoid stress?
Maintaining mental balance during the preparation for a tough exam like UPSC is challenging. Ritvika adopted Gond and Madhubani painting for this. She says, "Painting was not just a hobby, it was also a way for me to stay focused."
AIR 1: When a dream came true
During the board interview, she was asked: "If you were the director of the National Zoological Park, what steps would you take for visitors and animals?"
Ritvika's answer:
Her practical and creative answers impressed the board and played an important role in her success.
Ritvika's future plans
She wants to start a wildlife conservation campaign through folk art in collaboration with design students. "My dream is to bring citizens closer to nature and make them guardians of the environment."
Help from IPS officer Mahesh Bhagwat
She took guidance from IPS Mahesh Bhagwat for the interview, who helped her in preparing the DAF (Detailed Application Form) and contemporary topics.
Tips for UPSC candidates from Ritvika Pandey
What lesson do we learn from Ritvika Pandey's story?
Ritvika Pandey's success story teaches us that any goal can be achieved with dedication, the right strategy, and passion. As she begins her IFS journey, it is clear that the future of India's forests and wildlife is in safe hands.
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