Lok Sabha election results to be broadcasted live in America for the first time

By Team MyNation  |  First Published May 22, 2019, 9:36 AM IST

Organised by a committee called the NRI Political Action Committee, there will be a live broadcasting of the counting, and the final results between 9-30 pm and 5 am on May 22 in Minnesota

Lok Sabha election results to be broadcasted live in America for the first time

The results of the Indian Lok Sabha elections are due on May 23. For the first time, the results will be broadcasted live in Metro Minneapolis.

Organised by a committee called the NRI Political Action Committee, there will be a live broadcasting of the counting, and the final results between 9-30 pm and 5 am on May 22. The venue is -  Woodbury10 Theatre, Woodbury, Minnesota.

Lok Sabha election results to be broadcasted live in America for the first time

(The views expressed are that of the paying event renters and do not express the views or opinions of the ownership or staff of Woodbury theatre)

While an early signup price is at a discounted rate of $10, the walk-in price is $15.

The website of the event states the name of the organiser as one Ramesh Noone. A Youtube video has also been made to promote the event.

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