International Democracy day 2024: Spotlight on AI as a tool for good governance

By Srishti msFirst Published Sep 15, 2024, 12:47 PM IST

Every September 15, the world observes the International Day of Democracy, a moment to reflect on the principles that underpin democratic societies and the ongoing efforts to sustain them. In 2024, the theme is “Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for Good Governance.” This year, the focus shifts to exploring how AI technologies can enhance governance and democratic processes, while addressing the ethical and practical challenges they present.  UN Secretary-General António Guterres acknowledges that AI has the potential to improve public participation, promote equality, enhance security, and advance human development. However, he cautions that if AI is not properly regulated, its risks could pose significant threats to democracy, peace, and stability.

Through elections and civic engagement, democracy allows for peaceful power transitions and ensures citizen involvement in governance. The day emphasises upholding democratic values like freedom, equality, and the rule of law. It also draws attention to global challenges like authoritarianism, polarisation, and digital threats that erode democratic institutions.


UN Resolution 62/7 established the International Day of Democracy in 2007, with the first observance taking place in 2008. The day’s origins are rooted in the Universal Declaration on Democracy (1997), which underscores democracy as a universal value derived from the freely expressed will of the people. Since then, it has become a platform to discuss democracy’s challenges and potential for fostering positive change.

The Greek words "demos," which means "people," and "kratos," which means "power" or "rule," are the origin of the word "democracy." Together, they form "demokratia," which translates to "rule by the people." This concept originated in ancient Greece, particularly in the city-state of Athens, where it described a system of governance in which citizens had a direct role in decision-making and law-making processes.

 AI's role in good governance

Artificial intelligence (AI) holds transformative potential for governance, offering new tools and strategies to improve transparency, efficiency, and public engagement. When effectively integrated into democratic systems, AI can help:

Enhance Public Services: AI can streamline administrative processes, making public services more efficient and accessible. For instance, AI-driven chatbots can provide citizens with timely information and services, reducing bureaucratic delays.

Improve Decision-Making: AI algorithms can analyze large amounts of data to support evidence-based policymaking. By identifying patterns and predicting outcomes, AI can assist governments in crafting more informed and effective policies.

Promote Transparency: By using AI technologies to monitor and audit government activities, we can ensure that actions are transparent and accountable. AI-driven tools can help detect corruption and track public spending, fostering greater trust in institutions.

Challenges and considerations

Ethical Concerns: The use of AI raises important ethical issues, such as privacy, bias, and discrimination. Maintaining democratic values requires the ethical design and deployment of AI systems.

Data Security: The handling of sensitive data by AI systems requires robust security measures to prevent breaches and misuse. Safeguarding personal information is essential to maintaining public trust.

Inclusivity: Development and application of AI technologies must be inclusive and equitable. There is a risk that AI could exacerbate existing inequalities if not carefully managed.

Participation and Engagement

To engage with this year's theme and contribute to the ongoing discussion on AI and governance,

Attend Events: Participate in forums, panels, or webinars focused on the intersection of AI and governance to gain insights and share perspectives.

Advocate for Ethical AI: Support organisations and initiatives that promote the ethical development and use of AI technologies in governance.

Educate Others: Use social media and other platforms to raise awareness about AI's potential to improve governance and the importance of addressing associated challenges.

As we celebrate International Democracy Day 2024, AI emerges as a powerful tool for transforming governance by enhancing transparency, efficiency, and citizen engagement. However, its success will depend on addressing ethical concerns and ensuring inclusivity. Striking the right balance between innovation and responsibility is essential for AI to support democratic values and foster a more equitable future.

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