Indonesia: Thousands of ‘God-fearing’ Muslims take part in evangelical event, put other lives at risk

By Team MyNationFirst Published Mar 19, 2020, 2:20 PM IST

Thousands of Muslims pilgrims across the globe congregated in Indonesia for an event organised by a Muslim evangelical group, as quoted by a popular website.

Bengaluru: Putting all the health risks of Coronavirus to the sidelines, thousands of Muslims pilgrims across the globe congregated in Indonesia for an event organised by a Muslim evangelical group, as quoted by a popular website. 

It is pertinent to note that a similar event held in Malaysia two weeks ago had caused as many as 500 Coronavirus infections. 

The website adds that the organisers were warned about the impending danger and were even asked to push the event forward. 8,000 people have already assembled in Gowa, near the provincial city of Makassar.

The reactions of the congregated Muslims are indeed shocking. 

“We are more afraid of God,” said one of them. 

A promotional material read: “The pleasure of living in this world is only a little, compared to the afterlife.”

Muslim pilgrims are coming from all over South East Asia and from the Middle East and the event has been organised by members of Tablighi Jama’at, a global evangelical movement for Muslims, the website noted. 

Back home in India, similar situations prevail in Delhi and Chennai as well. 

Protesters of Shaheen Bagh have refused to vacate the place, saying they have taken all the precautionary measures to avoid infections. 

And in Chennai, anti-CAA, NRC and NPR protests outside Madras high court have been taking place in spite of the threat of infection. 

Though such huge congregations are an open invitation for the virus to spread, the protesters, under the garb of right to protest, are endangering the lives of other citizens who have equal rights as the others have. 

At the time of writing this article, the number of coronavirus cases stood at 220,206. 

The number of deaths is 8982. 

These are global numbers. 

Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address his people at 8 this evening on the coronavirus issue. 

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