How a noble soul helps the less fortunate with her clothing line

By Team MyNation  |  First Published Feb 4, 2021, 4:13 PM IST

Alice Sharma of Delhi is a noble soul. Her clothing line has helped people sustain their lives 

How a noble soul helps the less fortunate with her clothing line

Bengaluru: Alice Sharma of Delhi is a noble soul. 

She has started her own clothing line called 'Clothing and Life Foundation'.

You might all know how the floods in Kedarnath in 2013 created havoc. Alice had been there, met people and understood their problems.  

She was so moved by the situation that she decided to do something useful to them. 

How a noble soul helps the less fortunate with her clothing line


As she began this clothline, she employed 70 people. 

Now, she has made it a habit to distribute blankets, clothes and other necessary items to the needy. 

It should be noted that during the lockdown in March last year, she had helped 15,000 needy with her team. However, it was not easy for her to help so many people. They had to work hard to raise funds in the lockdown, while it was also difficult to bring food and drink to the poor. 

She herself went into isolation for three months after helping the needy amid the epidemic. Ellis explained that living in isolation was necessary because after completion of the work, she and the people working with her had to stay in their home. Because of this move, other people in the house do not have infection.

Most importantly, she also focuses on menstrual hygiene, which many women neglect. Such an act only leads to more diseases and infections. 

Some even do not use sanitary pads, which only worsens the situation. 

So to teach these women, Alice and her team often meet them and educate them on the importance of sanitary pads and good hygienic practices. 

Her noble work is not limited to distribution of such items alone. She has also written several books in this regard. 

Interestingly, is among the 100 Leading Ladies of India by the Indian National Bar Association.

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