From France to Florida, virus villains defy Coronavirus lockdown, stage parties

By Team MyNation  |  First Published Mar 23, 2020, 2:47 PM IST

It is reported that several youngsters – from France to Florida – are crowding up near beaches in spite of knowing the threats Coronavirus poses. 

From France to Florida, virus villains defy Coronavirus lockdown, stage parties

Bengaluru: The spread of coronavirus can easily be contained by staying indoors and stepping out, only if necessary. 

Even if one gets out, it is always advisable to follow social-distancing as it mitigates the spread of the virus. 

All the advisories the government gives are with a view to help the society maintain itself. 

However, there are reports that youngsters in Germany, France and United States are wilfully flouting rules in a show of defiance. 

The reports appeared in Associated Press. 

The website noted: 

Young German adults hold “corona parties” and cough toward older people. A Spanish man leashes a goat to go for a walk to skirt confinement orders. From France to Florida to Australia, kitesurfers, college students and others crowd the beaches.

“Some consider they’re little heroes when they break the rules. Well, no. You’re an imbecile, and especially a threat to yourself,” French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner said, as quoted by the website. 

It is also a matter of great worry as people take trains and go to the countryside, potentially carrying viruses with them. 

The website also added that Florida officials closed some of the state’s most popular beaches after images of rowdy spring break college crowds appeared on TV for days amid the rising global death toll, which surpassed 13,000 on Sunday. Australia closed Sydney’s famous Bondi Beach after police were outraged at pictures of the crowds.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo was quoted by the website as saying, “Many people were not complying with social distancing recommendations to stay away from each other in New York City’s vast city park network ahead of a ban on congregating in groups that goes into effect Sunday night.”

“You can wind up hurting someone who you love, or hurting someone wholly inadvertently. Social distancing works, and you need social distancing everywhere,” Cuomo warned.

At the time of writing his article, the global deaths were 14, 717. 

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