An orange seller in railway station is now owner of multi-crore transport company

By Team MyNation  |  First Published Nov 11, 2020, 4:29 PM IST

An orange seller in a railway station is now the owner of a big transport company earning in crores 

An orange seller in railway station is now owner of multi-crore transport company

Bengaluru: To dream big and persevere to realise this dream is indeed phenomenal. 

Pyare Khan hails from Maharashtra. In his younger days, he used to sell oranges to help his family out. 

An orange seller in railway station is now owner of multi-crore transport company


But today, he is the owner of a transport company that has profits in crores! 

It was certainly not easy for him as a child. His father used to sell clothes and whatever Khan earned would only augment his family. 

With the family in dire straits, Khan had to quit school. 

From selling oranges, he decided to buy an auto. It was indeed good days for him as he used to save Rs 300-400 per day. 

With the help of his mother, he even bought an auto to sustain his life. But later, he took the brave decision of selling it for Rs 42,500. With this money, he invested in selling perfumes, among others. 

In the meantime, he also used to play keyboard in orchestra. 

But the biggest turn in his life came when he decided to purchase a truck. However, for this, he had to procure a loan. But that was not easy as the banks were not confident granting him a loan. 

As days passed, he used to visit the banks often and to his hard work, he did get a loan of Rs 11 lakh. 

With this amount, he purchased a truck and started driving it between Ahmedabad and Nagpur. 

But unfortunately, his truck met with an accident. 

Somehow, he made ends meet and purchased more trucks. In the year 2007, he got his company Ashmi Road Transport registered. 

Today, his company employs more than 700 employees and earns several crores in profit. 

As he tastes success, he underlines the fact that he never chased success but only work. 

We can’t stop but be in awe of such souls who dare to dream big and realise it. 

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