New WHO study sheds light on the link between mobile phones and brain cancer

First Published Sep 8, 2024, 8:43 PM IST

A new study by the WHO has found that prolonged use of mobile phones does not cause brain or head cancer. Scientists have confirmed that there is no link between mobile phones and cancer, regardless of how much mobile phone usage has increased.

If you are someone who talks on the mobile phone for a long time, this news will be useful to you. A study conducted by WHO (World Health Organization) has revealed that prolonged use of mobile phones does not cause brain and head cancer. Research has been going on for the past several years about the link between mobile phone usage and brain cancer. The question for many is whether the microwave radiation from mobile phones causes brain cancer. Here is some important information about this: Studies on mobile phone use and brain cancer: Radiation: Mobile phones use microwave-scale RF radiation, which is non-ionizing radiation. It does not have the energy to directly affect the DNA of cells in the air like X-rays or radiation (ionizing radiation).

Research has not yet directly confirmed that RF radiation from mobile phones causes cancer. Mixed Study Results: Some studies suggest that there may be a risk of brain cancer with prolonged, high levels of mobile phone use. In particular, the "Interphone" study (2010) suggests that there is an increased risk in some of those who use mobile phones very heavily (more than 30 minutes a day for 10 years). However, many other studies have shown no conclusive evidence for this. The World Health Organization (WHO) and some major research say that this is still under investigation.

World Health Organization (WHO) Status: In 2011, the WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified mobile phone RF radiation as "Group 2B". This means that it is said to be a "possibly carcinogenic to humans" factor, meaning that further studies are needed. Meanwhile, WHO scientists have found in their research that the risk of cancers such as glioma and salivary gland tumors has not increased despite years of mobile phone use. Ken Karibidis said about this research, "We have found no link between mobile phones and brain cancer or other head and neck cancers. No matter how much mobile phone usage has increased." said.

Many myths about mobile phone usage This report from WHO is very important. For many years, there have been many myths about the harms of wireless technology devices such as mobile phones. These devices generate radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation. These are also called radio waves. The WHO's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 2011 classified radio frequency and electromagnetic fields as a possible carcinogen. What do doctors say about mobile phone usage? Mobile phone use has never been considered a cancer prevention strategy, said Dr. Abhishek Shankar of AIIMS Delhi. The radiation emitted from cell phones is non-ionizing. It does not cause cancer. The radiation emitted from the X-ray machine is ionizing. It causes cancer. Ionizing radiation has enough energy to break chemical bonds, remove electrons from atoms, and damage cells in organic matter.

Mobile phones emit very low-intensity radio waves, said Dr. Pritam Kataria, an oncologist based in Mumbai. It is not like the effect of interacting with naturally occurring radioactive thorium in the soil. Although there is no conclusive evidence that mobile phones cause brain cancer, it is safe to take preventive measures

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