India to Egypt: Top 5 Ancient countries in the world

First Published Jul 5, 2024, 6:58 PM IST

Let's explore the rich history and diverse cultures of the top 5 ancient countries around the world. 


Also known as the 'Land of Seven Rivers', ancient India, especially the Indus Valley civilization is renowned as one of the most advanced civilization in history. 


Ancient Egypt was a powerful civilization known for its pyramids, pharaohs, and monumental temples. Egypt was also known as the 'Gift of the Nile'.  


Ancient Greece is also known as the 'Birthplace of Modern Democracy'. It is renowned for its influence on the western countries and philosophy. 


China is known as 'The Middle Kingdom'. It is renowned for its rich culture and dynasties. It was also the centre of ancient science, innovation, and silk production. 


Persia is known as the 'Land of Aryans'. Persia had a vast empire led by leaders like Cyrus the Great and Darius. It is known for its architecture and regal history.  

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