Shocking discovery: Microplastics detected in human brains, unveiling alarming health risks

First Published Aug 25, 2024, 8:53 PM IST

The presence of microplastics in the human body has been a growing concern. A recent study has found a 'scary' amount of microplastics in brain tissue samples, raising concerns about potential links to neurological disorders like dementia and Alzheimer's disease.

Microplastics in Brain Tissue

Plastic is a threat to the world. It is a well-known fact that the increasing use of plastic in the world is polluting the environment. But doctors say that plastic is harmful not only to the environment but also to human health.


Recently, researchers have expressed concern about this. The presence of plastic particles in the human body has shocked everyone. It is known that plastic accumulates in the human lungs and other parts of the body.


But recently, plastic particles have also been identified in the human body. Earlier this year, it was found that the human brain collected from autopsies contained more plastic than samples collected eight years ago.


According to this calculation, doctors have found that plastic residues in the human body are increasing over time. As part of this, researchers studied 91 brain samples. University of New Mexico researcher Matthew Campen reported that the brain had more microplastics than other organs.


Up to 0.5 percent of the total weight of 24 brain samples was found to be plastic. He said this is very worrying. Researchers have found that plastic is more prevalent in the brains of people with problems like dementia and Alzheimer's.

Human Brains

Experts say that nanoplastics enter the body with the food and water we consume and reach the brain. It is said that microplastic particles in the air also enter the body. Therefore, experts recommend reducing drinking water in plastic bottles.

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