Boost your Android phone’s speed and performance with these 5 essential tips

First Published Aug 27, 2024, 10:22 AM IST

Want to boost your phone’s speed and performance? Check out these 5 tips to make your phone run as fast as it did when it was new.

Android is a popular mobile operating system used by many. However, over time, extensive use can slow down an Android phone, with factors such as file load and full storage contributing to the decrease in speed. If you are experiencing similar issues, here are some tips to help your phone speed up.

Frequent use of a phone can affect its performance. Restarting the phone can help resolve this issue by clearing the RAM and addressing other problems.

Frequently installing new apps can also slow down your smartphone. To prevent this, only keep essential apps and avoid overloading your phone. Moreover, using lighter versions of apps, such as Facebook Lite and Instagram Lite, can help maintain your phone’s speed.

You can also boost your phone's speed by reducing or disabling animations. Adjust the animator duration scale, transition animation scale, and window animation scale settings to ".5x" or turn them "Off" for improved performance.

Performance issues can also arise from not updating your phone's software. To avoid this, always keep your software up to date. By following these tips, you can restore your Android phone's speed to its original performance.

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