Youngsters have normalized premature grey hair, but why is it so common these days?

First Published Jun 19, 2024, 5:25 PM IST

Many youngsters in India and all over the world have accepted the premature graying of their hair and are becoming more accepting of it day by day.


The most common reason for this is genetics. If someone in the family has prematurely gray hair, then the teens in the family are more likely to experience gray hair. 

Poor diet and stress

A diet lacking nutrients like vitamin D, vitamin B12, iron, zinc, and copper can lead to premature graying of hair in teens and youngsters. Stress and emotional factors are also things that can contribute to accelerating the graying of hair.

Environmental factors

Environmental factors such as pollution and UV exposure can lead to dead melanocytes (cells responsible for hair color). Prolonged damage to the melanocytes can lead to premature graying of the hair. 

Lifestyle changes and Chronic diseases

Several other lifestyle factors, such as smoking, drinking, drug consumption, and hormonal imbalances, can also contribute to hair graying. 

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