What Prolonged Sitting Does to Your Body

First Published Jul 1, 2024, 4:35 PM IST

Sitting for long periods of time can have negative impacts on your health. Learn how it affects your body and find out what you can do about it.

Due to our desk jobs, many of us find ourselves sitting for extended periods. While sitting may seem harmless, research shows that prolonged periods of sitting can have significant negative impacts on our health and well-being. 

Slouching in chairs can strain muscles in the back, shoulders, waist, and neck, increasing discomfort and stiffness. Over time, this can lead to chronic pain and health issues. 

Sitting for long periods can have detrimental effects on cardiovascular health. Due to prolonged sitting, blood circulation slows down. This can contribute to elevated blood pressure and higher levels of cholesterol, both of which are risk factors for heart diseases.

Research show that prolonged sitting can increase blood pressure levels which happens due to no physical activity. This can also lead to increased body weight and abnormal cholesterol levels.

Sitting for long periods can weaken bones and contribute to decreased bone density. Sitting puts pressure on the spine and can lead to compressed spinal discs, which may cause lower back pain and discomfort.

Apart from physical health, prolonged sitting can also impact mental and emotional well-being. Studies have shown that it can increase the risk of anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders. For good hormones, physical activity is important.  

These simple positive habits can help you achieve overall well-being. 
•    Take breaks to stand up, stretch, and walk around every hour.
•    Use a standing desk to alternate between sitting and standing.
•    Include physical activity into your daily routine, such as walking, jogging, or exercising.
•    Practice good posture habits to minimize strain on your muscles and joints.

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