Simple kitchen hacks for effective tan removal

First Published Jun 2, 2024, 11:08 AM IST

Try these simple home remedies and get rid of summer tan easily. These face packs can also help you achieve flawless skin.

The season of summer brings with it the challenges of sun tanning. People who spend a lot of time outdoors need to take extra precautions to prevent skin from darkening due to intense heat. Today, let’s explore some simple home remedies to get rid of sun tan. 


Orange is known for its ability to build immunity. The orange peels can also be beneficial for your skin. They contain antifungal properties which help in keeping bacteria at bay. To prepare an orange face pack at home, dry the orange peels in the sun and grind them into a powder. Store this powder in a container. To make a paste, mix the powder with rosewater and apply it on your face. Rinse off with cold water. 


Potatoes contain an enzyme that helps in reducing tanning. Simple rub a potato slice on your face. Regular application of this will promote brighter skin. 


A face pack made from turmeric and besan (gram flour) can help promote glowing skin. To make a face pack, mix half a teaspoon of turmeric with two teaspoons of besan and rose water. Apply it on your face, leave it for 15 minutes, and rinse it off with cold water. 

Honey and papaya

Honey and papaya are also known for their skin-nourishing properties. Mix honey with papaya pulp and apply the mixture on your face. Rinse it off with cold water after 20 minutes.

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