Simple hacks to get rid of ants this monsoon

First Published Jul 12, 2024, 9:29 AM IST

During the rainy season, insect populations tend to rise. Red ants can be found in the damp areas like kitchens, bathrooms, and doorways. They can damage goods and their bites cause swelling and itching. If you're struggling with ants and unsure about how to get rid of them, we have some simple solutions for you.

While phenyl is commonly used in many households, during the rainy season, a simple solution to repel red ants is to mix salt in water and mop the floors with it. This method effectively keeps ants away without any strong odours.

Vinegar is also effective in repelling ants. Mix vinegar with water in a spray bottle and apply it to areas where ants are present. This method helps keep ants away. 

Alum powder can also be effective in repelling ants. Mix alum powder with one teaspoon of turmeric powder and sprinkle it in areas where ants are present. This method can help in driving away ants effectively.

Garlic is effective in repelling ants because they dislike its strong smell. To use garlic for this purpose, grind garlic cloves to extract the juice, then fill a spray bottle with the juice and spray it in areas where ants are present. The lingering smell of garlic will deter ants from returning.

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