Self-Love and Solitude: 20 positive affirmations to embrace who you are

First Published Aug 3, 2024, 1:30 PM IST

Here are some positive affirmations to help you start enjoying your own company and love yourself the way you are.

"I am enough just as I am."

"I enjoy my own company and find peace in solitude."

"I am worthy of love and respect from myself and others."

"I embrace who I am and celebrate my uniqueness."

"My presence is valuable, and I appreciate my own company."

"I am content and happy with myself."

"I am my own best friend, and I cherish our time together."

"I am proud of who I am and all that I’ve accomplished."

"I trust myself and believe in my abilities."

"I am enough, and I am deserving of all the good things life has to offer."

"I find joy in spending time alone and nurturing my soul."

"I am grateful for my own company and the peace it brings me."

"I am confident in my own skin and love myself deeply."

"I honour my needs and give myself the self-care I deserve."

"I am my own source of happiness and fulfilment."

"I am complete and whole on my own."

"I am proud of my journey and excited about my future."

"I find peace and joy in my own presence."

"I am my own source of strength and happiness."

"I cherish my alone time as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery."

"I value my thoughts and feelings and listen to my inner self."

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