Mahabharata: Fascinating facts about the World’s Longest Epic!

First Published Sep 28, 2024, 11:16 AM IST

Read these fascinating facts about the Mahabharata, the longest epic in the world.

The Mahabharata is considered the longest epic poem in the world, consisting of over 100,000 shlokas (verses) and approximately 1.8 million words, making it roughly ten times the length of the Iliad and the Odyssey combined.

Believed to have been composed by the sage Vyasa, the Mahabharata is thought to have been written between 400 BCE and 400 CE, encompassing a wide range of philosophical, cultural, and historical narratives.

The epic primarily narrates the story of the Kurukshetra War, a great battle between the Pandavas and Kauravas, two branches of the same royal family, and explores themes of duty, righteousness, and justice.

The Mahabharata features a vast array of characters, including iconic figures such as Krishna, Arjuna, Bhishma, Draupadi, and Duryodhana, each contributing to the intricate plot and moral dilemmas.

Embedded within the narrative are significant philosophical and ethical discussions, including the Bhagavad Gita, a dialogue between Arjuna and Krishna that addresses the moral complexities of life and duty.

The Mahabharata has had a profound influence on Indian culture, art, literature, and philosophy, inspiring countless adaptations in theatre, dance, and film across the centuries.

Beyond the main narrative, the Mahabharata encompasses various sub-stories, legends, and teachings, covering diverse themes such as love, loyalty, betrayal, and the nature of dharma (righteousness).

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