How to Correct Sour Idli Batter: Easy Solutions and Techniques

First Published Aug 27, 2024, 5:28 PM IST

We can't make idlis with sour batter as it won't taste good. Many people throw away the batter in such cases.

Many people love idlis. It is a common breakfast in every home. Hot idlis with ghee, coconut chutney, and gunpowder taste delicious. It tastes amazing with sambar too. We mostly prepare idli batter at home. But sometimes the batter turns sour. We can't make idlis with sour batter as it won't taste good. Many people throw away the batter in such cases. Or they do something else. But... follow this simple trick... Even if the batter turns sour... you can make it normal. Let's see how..

If your idli or dosa batter turns sour, add some ginger and green chili paste to it. Adding ginger and green chili paste to the batter reduces the sourness. Alternatively, you can add chopped ginger and green chilies. This formula can be used not only for idli batter but also for dosa batter.

Sugar or jaggery works
If the dosa batter or idli batter becomes too sour, you can use sugar or jaggery. These reduce the sourness. They also enhance the taste. But you have to be careful about the quantity, as excess quantity will spoil the taste of dosa and idli. So first add a little sugar or jaggery and taste it. If it feels less, add more sugar or jaggery and use it.

Adding a little rice flour to the batter reduces the sourness. After that, if you make idlis, there is no need to worry that the taste will change. They will still be soft. 

Use fresh batter
If the batter becomes too sour, you can add some fresh batter. This reduces the sourness. Idlis will be more delicious. Idlis will also be soft.

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