Feeling sleepy at work? Avoid these 5 foods to stay alert and energized

First Published Sep 10, 2024, 9:33 AM IST

Feeling sleepy at the office is a common problem. By avoiding these 5 types of foods, you can prevent drowsiness and stay productive throughout the workday. 

Avoid repeating meals

Many people pack the same food for lunch that they had for breakfast. Eating the same type of food twice in a row can induce sleepiness, which can interfere with your work.

This might lead to you falling asleep at your desk. So, avoid eating the same food item twice, especially during office hours. 

Avoid fried foods and cakes

Fried foods, especially french fries, are delicious but take a long time to digest. Avoid them during office hours to prevent drowsiness.

It's also best to minimize your intake of bakery items like cakes and bread. These can make you feel sleepy and lethargic. Since you need to be alert and active at work, it's best to avoid high-fat foods like these.

Rice can mke you sleepy

During digestion, carbohydrates in rice convert to glucose, triggering insulin release. This increases serotonin and melatonin levels in the body, hormones that promote relaxation and sleep.

That's why people often feel drowsy after eating rice for lunch. Since you need to be alert at work, it's best to minimize your rice intake. 

Oats, rice, tomatoes, mushrooms, pistachios, and eggs are high in melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep. Consuming these foods can make you feel like taking a break. Therefore, it's best to avoid them during office hours.

People who have desk jobs are more prone to drowsiness. Those who have physically demanding jobs don't face digestion issues regardless of what they eat. 

High-protein foods

Consuming a high-protein meal can make you feel tired. While protein is essential for staying active, it's best to avoid consuming milk, spinach, seeds, soy products, and chicken during lunchtime.

These foods require more energy for digestion, leading to fatigue and a desire for rest. Therefore, it's best to minimize their consumption during office hours.

Sugary foods

While jaggery and honey were traditionally used in sweets, sugar dominates today. Sugary foods can also make you feel drowsy.

While sugar provides energy, excessive consumption is detrimental. It spikes blood sugar levels, leading to fatigue.


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