7 Best Distractions to Stop Overthinking

First Published Jul 17, 2024, 1:06 PM IST

Many people struggling with stress and anxiety also grapple with overthinking which can impact various aspects of life and disturb mental peace and productivity. There are effective ways to break the cycle of overthinking. Let’s explore some healthy habits to regain control of your mind.

Finding the right and meaningful distractions can help you relax your mind. Overthinking and intrusive thoughts can be very unpleasant to deal with, which makes it essential to find something that gives you joy. 


Exercise is one of the most effective distractions to stop overthinking. Go for a brisk walk, jog, or bike ride. Try weightlifting or bodyweight exercises. You can also practice yoga at home for relaxation and mindfulness.


Reading a book can be an excellent distraction from overthinking. It allows you to immerse yourself in another world, helping you reduce stress. Pick a genre that interests you, such as fiction, fantasy, or self-help. Read a certain number of pages or chapters each day.

Creative hobbies

Hobbies can help shift your focus away from overthinking. Hobbies stimulate your mind and offer a sense of accomplishment. Try drawing, painting, knitting, sewing, crocheting, or DIY projects. Learn to play a musical instrument or listen to your favorite tunes.

Talk to your family and friends

Social interactions provide a great distraction from overthinking. Spending time with loved ones can improve your mood and offer support. Reach out to friends or family members for a chat. Go for coffee, lunch, or a walk together. Set up a video call for a catch-up session.

Learning a skill

Learning something new keeps your mind engaged and focused on a new challenge, diverting your attention from overthinking. Enrol in online classes for topics like cooking, coding, or photography. Attend local workshops or seminars. Follow tutorials on platforms like YouTube.


Mindfulness and meditation can help you manage overthinking by teaching you to focus on the present moment. Use apps like Headspace or Calm. It can help reduce stress and anxiety while promoting mental peace. 


Volunteering can be a meaningful distraction from overthinking. Volunteer at a local shelter, food bank, or community center. Find volunteer opportunities through various online platforms. It will also help you find a sense of purpose.

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