Irregular periods? Try these 5 healthy drinks that regulate menstrual cycle

First Published Jul 2, 2024, 10:13 AM IST

Various health related factors can contribute to irregular menstrual cycles. Here are some home remedies that can help regulate periods.

PCOD, PCOS, excessive stress, and poor mental health can be causes of irregular periods. If left untreated, these conditions can affect ovulation and fertility. A regular menstrual cycle typically occurs every 28 to 35 days and lasts about 3 to 8 days. If your menstrual cycles occur earlier or gets delayed by several days, that can be a serious concern. Here are some home remedies that help regulate periods. 

Drinking ginger tea can help in regulating periods because of its warming properties. To prepare ginger tea, add chopped ginger pieces to a glass of water and boil it on the stove. Once the water turns slightly yellow in colour, strain it and drink the tea.

Cinnamon is not just a spice used in garam masala; it also offers various health benefits. To prepare cinnamon tea, mix ground cinnamon powder with milk, give it a boil until it takes on a colour and drink it. Alternatively, you can also consume infused cinnamon water. 

Coriander seeds can also be immensely effective. To make coriander drink, soak a tablespoon of coriander seeds in a glass of water overnight and drink the infused water in the morning. 

Turmeric boasts anti-inflammatory properties. Add turmeric to a glass of milk and drink it before going to bed for maximum benefits. Consuming turmeric milk daily can also help you achieve overall health. 

Clove, known for its immune-boosting properties, is rich in antioxidants that help in disease prevention. Drinking clove water not only helps regulate menstrual cycles but also promotes ovulation.

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