Scorpio to Leo: 5 Zodiac signs that get jealous easily

First Published Aug 6, 2024, 6:17 PM IST

All zodiac signs get jealous however, these 5 are tend to get jealous more often than the others. 


Scorpios are known for their intense emotions and feelings. They get easily jealous as they are generally possessive and can get manipulative if they feel ignored. 


Taurus are also possessive beings with a strong sense of ownership. This might lead to them getting jealous in a relationship. 


Leos loves attention and always strives to be in the spotlight. However, if the attention shifts from them, they can get jealous and feel neglected. 


Cancers also get jealous easily but are good at hiding it. They are emotionally sensitive and can get envious if they feel overshadowed. 


Aries are competitive folks which leads to them getting jealous of people who might have better skills than them. 

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