Black pepper to Cardamom: Keep these 5 things under your pillow to attract good luck

First Published Jul 2, 2024, 11:56 AM IST

Many cultures believe that spices like clove, black pepper, and cardamom hold the power to attract good fortune and abundance in life. Here, try keeping these items under your pillow to attract good luck and positivity to your space.

Black Pepper

Keep black pepper under your pillow to attract good fortune, positive energy, and excellence in your professional and personal life. 


Keeping a clove under your pillow can help you attract positivity into your life and provide protection against negative energies and evil eyes. 


Keeping turmeric under your pillow can help improve your relationships and attract joy and happiness in your marriage. 


Keeping a cardamom under your pillow can help you with financial issues and remove emotional or mental stress. 


One can also manifest prosperity and abundance in their life by keeping cinnamon under their pillow. It helps with attracting money and financial stability in life. 

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