Explore the intriguing cases of Bollywood stars who have vanished from the industry. From Rimi Sen’s absence after hits like Dhoom to Ayesha Takia’s disappearance, discover why these once-popular actors are no longer in the limelight.
Rimi Sen
Known for her roles in popular films like Dhoom and Golmaal, Rimi Sen has been noticeably absent from Bollywood in recent years, focusing on other ventures.
Zayed Khan
Zayed Khan, known for movies such as Main Hoon Na and Dus, has not been active in Bollywood for several years, leaving fans wondering about his return to the screen.
Uday Chopra
Famous for his role in the Dhoom series, Uday Chopra has been missing from Bollywood in recent years, leaving a noticeable gap in his once-prominent acting career.
Asin Thottumkal
Asin Thottumkal celebrated for her performance in Ghajini, chose to leave Bollywood following her marriage. She has since stayed out of the limelight, focusing on her personal life.
Ayesha Takia
Ayesha Takia, who starred in hits like Wanted and Dorabjee, has been notably absent from the Bollywood scene. Fans remember her fondly but have not seen recent work from her.