Why you should never skip breakfast: Health risks you need to know

By Team MyNationFirst Published Sep 6, 2024, 8:27 AM IST

Skipping breakfast can result in various health issues. It may increase the likelihood of anxiety and depression. Skipping meals can also lead to overeating during the day. 

Many people skip breakfast and lunch in the name of dieting. However, breakfast is one of the most important meals of the day, and lunch provides essential energy for the afternoon. Skipping these meals can lead to various health problems and decreased overall well-being. It's important to eat balanced meals to maintain good health.

Health issues

Skipping breakfast increases the likelihood of anxiety and depression. When you skip meals, you’re more likely to overeat later in the day, which can also heighten stress and anxiety. Regular meals help maintain emotional balance and overall well-being.

Low blood sugar

Skipping breakfast and lunch can be detrimental for people with diabetes because it disrupts blood sugar control. Women who skip breakfast are especially prone to higher blood glucose levels. Consistent meals are crucial for maintaining stable blood sugar and supporting overall health.


Not drinking enough water can lead to constipation. According to the NHS, changes in routine or lifestyle can also affect bowel regularity. Maintaining a proper diet is crucial for healthy digestion and regular bowel movements.

Lack of energy

When you don’t eat properly, it can lead to a lack of energy throughout the day. This low energy can negatively impact your job performance and overall productivity.


Skipping meals slows down your metabolism, which can result in low energy levels and potential weight gain. Moreover, it can disrupt your body's natural hunger signals, making it harder to maintain healthy eating habits.

Weight gain

Many people believe that skipping breakfast will help them lose weight. However, when the body, having been hungry all night, doesn’t get breakfast, it often craves sugary and fatty foods. This can lead to overeating and rapid weight gain.

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