Refreshing and Healthy: How to Make Bael Sharbat for Summer

By Nancy TiwariFirst Published Jun 26, 2024, 5:14 PM IST

Discover how to make refreshing and nutritious Bael Sharbat at home, perfect for staying cool and healthy during the summer.

Bael Sharbat, derived from the pulp of the bael fruit, is a quintessential summer cooler in India known for its refreshing taste and health benefits. Here’s a simple recipe to make this rejuvenating drink at home:

- Bael (wood apple) fruit: 1 ripe
- Water: 2 cups
- Sugar or jaggery: 2-3 tablespoons 
- Black salt or rock salt: a pinch
- Ice cubes: for serving 
- Fresh mint leaves: for garnish 


1. Prepare the Bael Pulp:
   - Thoroughly wash the bael fruit under running water.
   - Crack open the fruit using a knife or a hammer. Remove the pulp and seeds inside.
   - Scrape the pulp with a spoon and place it in a bowl.

2. Make the Bael Sharbat:
   - In a blender or mixer, add the bael pulp along with water.
   - Mix it thoroughly until a smooth consistency is achieved.

3. Sweeten and Season:
   - Pour the blended bael mixture through a fine sieve or strainer into a bowl to remove any remaining seeds or fibers.
   - Add sugar or jaggery to the strained bael juice according to your sweetness preference.
   - Mix well until the sweetener dissolves completely.
   - Add a pinch of black salt or rock salt to enhance the flavor.

4. Chill and Serve:
   - Refrigerate the bael sharbat for at least 1-2 hours to chill.
   - Before serving, stir the sharbat well.
   - Pour it into glasses filled with ice cubes for a refreshing chill.

5. Garnish and Enjoy:
   - Garnish each glass with fresh mint leaves for a delightful aroma and added freshness.
   - Serve immediately and enjoy the cooling benefits of this homemade bael sharbat.

Health Benefits:
- Bael fruit is rich in nutrients like vitamin C, vitamin A, fiber, and antioxidants.
- It aids in digestion and helps relieve digestive disorders such as constipation.
- The drink is known for its cooling properties, making it ideal for combating heat-related issues during summer.

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