Quick and Delicious: 3 Instant Breakfast Ideas Ready in 10 Minutes

By Nancy TiwariFirst Published Jun 29, 2024, 6:01 PM IST

Discover three quick and delightful breakfast recipes that can be made in just 10 minutes, ensuring a tasty start to your day.

Are you in search of quick and tasty breakfast options that won't take up too much of your morning? Here are three simple yet satisfying ideas that you can whip up in just 10 minutes:

1. Avocado Toast with Poached Eggs
- Bread slices (whole wheat or your choice)
- Ripe avocado
- Eggs
- Salt and pepper
- Toppings (according to your taste)

- Prepare Avocado Spread: Mash ripe avocado in a bowl and season with salt and pepper.
- Poach Eggs: Bring a small pot of water to a simmer. Crack eggs into separate cups and gently slide into the water. Cook for about 3-4 minutes until whites are set but yolks are still runny.
- Toast Bread: While eggs are poaching, toast bread slices until golden brown.
- Assemble: Spread avocado mixture generously on toasted bread slices. Carefully place poached eggs on top. 

2. Greek Yogurt Parfait
- Greek yogurt (plain or flavored)
- Granola
- Fresh fruits (berries, bananas, mango, etc.)
- Honey or maple syrup (optional)

- Layering: In a glass or bowl, start with a layer of Greek yogurt.
- Add Granola: Top the yogurt with a layer of granola.
- Top with Fruits: Add a generous amount of fresh fruits on top of the granola layer.
- Repeat Layers: Repeat the layers until the glass or bowl is filled, ending with a fruit layer on top.
- Drizzle Sweetener: If desired, drizzle honey or maple syrup over the top for added sweetness.
- Serve: Enjoy this nutritious and delicious parfait immediately.

3. Veggie Omelette
- Eggs
- Assorted vegetables (bell peppers, spinach, onions, tomatoes, mushrooms, etc.)
- Cheese (optional)
- Salt and pepper
- Olive oil or butter for cooking

- Prepare Vegetables: Chop vegetables into small pieces.
- Cook Vegetables: Heat olive oil or butter in a non-stick skillet. Add vegetables and sauté until tender.
- Beat Eggs: In a bowl, beat eggs and season with salt and pepper.
- Cook Omelette: Pour beaten eggs over the vegetables in the skillet. 
- Add Cheese: Sprinkle cheese over the eggs.
- Fold and Serve: Once eggs are cooked through and cheese is melted, fold the omelet in half. 

These three breakfast ideas are not only quick to prepare but also nutritious and satisfying, perfect for starting your day on a delicious note in just 10 minutes!

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