Delicious Neer Dosa: A Bengaluru Special

By Nancy TiwariFirst Published Jun 28, 2024, 5:50 PM IST

Here is the must-try recipe of Bengaluru's special Neer Dosa. 

Neer Dosa, a delicate and refreshing dish originating from Karnataka, particularly Bengaluru, stands out for its simplicity and unique texture. This paper-thin, white, and lacy crepe-like dosa is a popular breakfast or snack choice across South India, cherished for its lightness and mild flavor. Here’s a detailed guide on how to prepare this Bengaluru special at home:


Rice: 1 cup (preferably short-grain rice like Sona Masuri)
Coconut: 1/2 cup, freshly grated
Water: 1 1/2 cups (for grinding rice)
Salt: As per taste
Oil: For greasing the pan

Step 1: Soaking the Rice
Till the water runs clear, thoroughly wash the rice under running water.
Soak the rice in water for about 4-5 hours or overnight. This helps soften the rice for smooth grinding.

Step 2: Grinding the Batter
Drain the soaked rice and transfer it to a blender or wet grinder.
Add freshly grated coconut and salt to the rice.
Gradually add 1 1/2 cups of water and grind to a smooth, thin batter. The consistency should be thinner than regular dosa batter, almost like buttermilk.

Step 3: Making Neer Dosa
A cast-iron or nonstick skillet (tawa) should be heated to medium heat.
Once hot, lightly grease the surface with oil using a cloth or paper towel.
Transfer a ladleful of batter to the middle of the tawa and distribute it outward in a circular motion right away. The batter needs to be distributed evenly and thinly.

A few droplets of oil should be dripped around the dosa's borders.
Cover with a lid and cook for about 1-2 minutes until the edges start lifting off and the surface appears cooked.
Neer dosa is typically cooked only on one side and does not require flipping.
Gently remove the dosa from the tawa using a flat spatula and transfer it to a plate.

Step 4: Serving
Serve Neer Dosa hot with coconut chutney, sambar, or any spicy curry of your choice.
Repeat the process with the remaining batter, stirring the batter well before making each dosa to ensure even consistency.

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