Importance of claim settlement ratio in selecting an insurance company

By Team MyNationFirst Published Aug 13, 2024, 1:25 PM IST

Choosing the correct insurance provider is an important choice that can have long-term financial consequences for people and families.

One of the most important considerations in this decision-making process is the claim settlement ratio. This score is a significant indicator of an insurer's dependability and commitment to paying policy claims, which is especially important in the case of term insurance. Understanding the significance of the claim settlement ratio will help you make an educated decision, ensuring that your loved ones are financially secure when it counts the most.

Points to consider on the aspect of claim settlement ratio

Definition and calculation

The claim settlement ratio is calculated as the percentage of claims settled by an insurance company against the total number of claims received. A higher ratio indicates a greater likelihood of your claims being honoured.

Company reputation

Insurers with a consistently high claim settlement ratio tend to have a better reputation in the market. This reputation is built on trust and reliability, essential factors when choosing a term insurance provider.

Financial stability

In many cases, a higher claim settlement ratio indicates the solvency status of an insurance company. It indicates that stable companies are in a better position to have the resources that will enable them to meet claims more efficiently.

Customer confidence

Customers have more confidence in insurance companies that have high claim settlement ratios. This trust can give confidence that when a claim is filed, the company will most likely fulfil its obligations.

Regulatory oversight

In India, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) regulate and discloses claim settlement ratio every year. This regulatory oversight is useful for maintaining transparency and assisting the customers to make the right choices.

Historical performance

Analysing the claim settlement ratios of an insurance company is one of the ways of determining its past performance. The high ratios should be consistent, and this is a sign of reliability.

Claim settlement process

The time taken to process the claims is very important. Holders with a higher ratio usually enjoy less time and effort in resolving claims than their counterparts with lower ratios.

Customer service

A high claim settlement ratio is usually indicative of good customer service. Those that have a focus on fast claim settlement usually also provide funding for customer service, which makes the process easier for policyholders.

Claim rejection rates

It is crucial to know the rationale for claims denial. Firms with higher settlement ratios should also record lower rejection rates, suggesting fair and more transparent handling of claims.

Documentation requirements

Most of the insurance companies with high claim settlement ratios have a well-defined and uncomplicated documentation process. This transparency aids in minimizing the time and confusion that is involved in the processing of claims.

Turnaround time

The time it takes to process and close a claim is a key consideration. Companies with higher ratios usually process claims more quickly, so the beneficiaries get the money as soon as possible.

Policy exclusions

The claim settlement ratio of a company can also indicates the number of policy exclusions in an insurance company. Lower numbers of exclusion generally result in higher ratios, which signify broad coverage.

Claim intimation process

The degree of difficulty in intimating a claim influences the settlement ratio. Organisations that have streamlined the claim intimation system normally have higher ratios because it is easier for the policyholders.

Transparency in communication

Companies with high levels of claim settlements understand the importance of clearly communicating their policies and the procedures for filing a claim, which lowers the probability of a claim being denied.

Customer reviews and feedback

Customer reviews and feedback are useful in discovering the truth about an insurer’s claim settlement processes. It is found that positive reviews are more likely to lead to higher settlement ratios.

Third-party ratings

Industry reports from third-party agencies can support an insurer’s claim settlement ratio. These ratings can sometimes depict the believability of the company or its products.

Insurance ombudsman cases

Analysing the number of complaints lodged with the Insurance Ombudsman offers further evidence. A smaller number of cases filed against an insurer means that its claim settlement ratio is higher.

Ease of access

Organisations that settle many claims often provide customers with several ways to submit and monitor their claims, which makes them easier to access.

Policyholder’s experience

Word of mouth from other policyholders can reveal the real situation regarding the claim settlement process. Positive experiences correlate well with high settlement ratios.

Comparison with peers

It is possible to know the best insurance companies by comparing the claim settlement ratios offered by various insurance companies. This comparison should be an important component of your decision-making process.


The claim settlement ratio is a crucial factor in selecting an insurance company in India, especially for term insurance. A high ratio of claim settlement indicates the credibility, solvency and customer-friendly nature of the insurance company. Hence, by taking into account all the above-mentioned factors of the claim settlement ratio, you can make the right decision for your family’s protection during any need. It is always important to do adequate research, compare different insurance providers, and select the insurer that not only has a good claim settlement ratio but also meets your expectations and needs.

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