Summer holidays offer a great opportunity for children to explore new interests and learn valuable skills. As a responsible parent, you must encourage your kids to learn new things to foster personal growth outside the classroom. Here are some creative ways to make summer vacation productive for your kids.

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Foster a love for reading

Books are a man’s best friend. During summer holidays, encourage your kids to pick up books outside their school syllabus. You can curate a diverse selection of books catering to their interests and abilities and set achievable reading goals. Moreover, a weekly book club or storytelling session would also help your kid to enhance their social skills. 

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If your kid does not like to study science and maths, this is the right time to show them how fascinating the world of science can be. Set up a mini science lab at home where kids can conduct simple experiments, build DIY projects, or explore coding with age-appropriate coding kits or online resources. Take part in activities with your kids and strengthen your bond with them.

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You can teach children the basics of cooking and baking. Involve them in meal planning, grocery shopping, and food preparation, allowing them to experiment with new recipes and flavours. 

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Exploring nature

Plan nature walks, picnics in the park, or camping trips where kids can explore the wonders of the natural world, observe wildlife, and engage in outdoor games and activities.

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Arts and crafts

Take your kids to art galleries. Buy a variety of materials such as paints, clay, beads, and recycled items, and encourage them to unleash their imagination. From painting and sculpting to crafting handmade gifts, the possibilities are endless.

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Language Learning

Introduce your kids to a new language or help them strengthen their language skills during the summer break. Learning a new language can open doors to new opportunities. Enrol them in language classes and encourage them to practice conversational skills through language exchange programmes. Wouldn’t it be cool to brag that your kid speaks three or more languages!

Also read: Why you should encourage your child to learn more languages

Music and Performing Arts

Art and music are the essence of life. Cultivate a love for music, dance, or theatre by enrolling your children in music lessons, dance classes, or drama workshops.

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