It can be difficult to keep your body moving, especially during the working hours of the day. But there are several ways you can incorporate small movements throughout the day to avoid sitting for long hours and get your body to move and burn those stubborn calories. 

Low-intensity activities like walking while talking on the phone or taking stairs instead of an elevator can bring huge changes to your overall health and can also lead to weight loss and a balanced lifestyle. 

So what is the best option among the two? What is the best option for weight loss and calorie burning? Let's take a look at the advantages of climbing stairs and walking and compare which one is better.

Climbing stairs vs Walking

Both physical activities are great ways to keep your body active and moving. Experts believe that choosing between walking and climbing stairs solely depends on the health, fitness, lifestyle, and requirements of the person. 

People with joint pain and issues can opt for walking instead of climbing stairs, as it does not exert pressure on the knees. Those who do not experience joint pain and fatigue can choose climbing stairs, as it is more effective in losing weight. 

Advantages of climbing stairs  
  • Climbing stairs benefits weight loss in the long term as it engages several muscles like the glutes, hamstrings, and claves. This helps in muscle development and improves metabolism. 
  • It can also increase your heart rate, which leads to more efficient calorie burning than walking and leads to weight loss. 
  • Climbing stairs is a great vertical workout that strengthens leg and core muscles and also enhances blood circulation in the body. 


Advantages of walking 
  • Walking is for everyone, and people of all age groups can add this to their routine for a healthy lifestyle. 
  • If done for a long period of time, walking can result in more weight loss than climbing stairs. 
  • It helps with digestion and improves the overall health of the body. 


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