Long layered haircuts add volume, movement, and dimension to your hair. While visiting a salon for a professional haircut is ideal, you can also experience the thrill of cutting your own hair at home. It can be both fun and exciting. With the right tools, technique, and a little confidence, you can cut beautiful long layers by yourself.  

Before cutting the hair:

•    You'll need sharp haircutting scissors, a fine-tooth comb, hair clips or elastics, and a mirror.
•    Wash and dry your hair thoroughly before beginning the haircut. Styling products can weigh down the hair and make it harder to achieve even layers. So, avoid using them.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1- Start by parting your hair down the middle and separating it into two equal sections. Use hair clips or elastics to secure each section, keeping them out of the way while you work.

Step 2- Take a small section of hair from the front of one side. Hold the section between your index and middle fingers and lift it away from your head at a 45-degree angle.

Step 3- Use your scissors to cut the hair at the desired length. For longer layers, start with a small section and gradually work your way down.

Step 4- After cutting the first section, follow the same steps. Take small sections of hair from the front of each side and use the previously cut section as a reference point for length.

Step 5- After cutting all sections, remove the clips and check for any uneven spots. Use a mirror to take a look at the back of your head and make any necessary adjustments to ensure even layers.

Step 6- For face-framing layers, take small sections of hair from the front of your face and cut at an angle, framing your features.

Step 8- After you’re done, style your hair using a hair serum to add an extra shine.