The current job market is extremely saturated, with almost no job opportunities and millions of candidates. In this digital era, learning new skills and taking up some new courses might catapult you into the race to excellence. 

And what other digital organisation has more to learn from than the largest tech company in the world, Google? Yes, Google offers several online courses with certificates covering several digital fields, which can make your resume 10 times more appealing to employers. 

Here, let's take a look at some free Google courses with certificates to boost your skills and help you build your dream career. 

1. Google Cybersecurity   

According to the Grow with Google website, it is for individuals who like 'investigating, solving puzzles'. The course is on Coursera and does not require any prior experience in the field to get started. It is the best option for those looking to start a career in the digital security field and is an excellent opportunity to build the basic skills required to secure an entry-level job in the sector. 

2. Digital Marketing & E-commerce 

It is a great course for folks looking to build an online presence for their startup business or for people interested in connecting with customers online through marketing and advertising. The course doesn't require prior knowledge or experience in the field and provides you with all the information and hands-on practice you need to get started in the marketing and e-commerce space. 

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3. Project Management 

Project management is a growing field with several job opportunities and space to grow. Project managers make sure that projects are running smoothly and with maximum efficiency in an organisation. They specialise in problem-solving and working with people. The course has everything you require to learn the basics and provides the necessary training for beginner-level project management jobs. 

4. Data Analytics 

If you love playing with statistics and analysing patterns and trends, then this course is for you. The course provides a proper insight into the field of data analytics and helps newcomers understand its scope and make informed decisions. 

5. UX Design 

UX designers create user-friendly interfaces and work on users' satisfaction and usability. The course is for individuals who can understand people and tink creatively. The course will help to build new skills and provides hands-on practice and training. 

Also Read: Digital Marketing to Data Science: 7 quick courses for high-salary job